JetSki Prestige Bali

Safety Guidelines

1. Wear life vest & attach the ignition key on to it at all times during riding.
(Kenakan rompi pelampung & pasang kunci Jet Ski setiap saat selama berkendara.)

2. Strictly DO NOT overtake tour guide.
(Dilarang menyalip pemandu.)

3. Riding in the same track (always follow your tour guide) and do not make your own track because approching the islands there are a lot of people snorkeling and diving.
(Selalu ikuti pemandu dan dilarang membuat jalur sendiri karena di dekat pulau banyak orang yang snorkling dan menyelam.)

4. Please keep a distance of at least 30 meters between Jet Ski.
(Harap menjaga jarak setidaknya 30 meter antar Jet Ski.)

5. Ride slowly (5 miles/hour) 100 meters approaching the shore because there are many boats and people snorkeling, diving, kayaking and swimming. Slowly docking & mooring.
(Berkendara perlahan (5 mil/jam), 100 meter mendekati pulau banyak perahu dan orang yang snorkling, menyelam, kayak, dan berenang. Berlabuhlah secara perlahan.)

6. Respect the nature, other water enthusiast and environment around us.
(Hormati alam, pecinta laut dan lingkungan sekitar kita.)

7. Avoid shallow areas, beams/trash, fishing nets and sling tug boats because it can broke the jet ski engine.
(Hindari area dangkal, sampah laut, jaring ikan, dan tali perahu karena dapat merusak mesin jet ski.)

8. Pay attention to any signs during the trip, if you pass a boat, always take the right position. If you from the side take it to the stern of the boat and always pay attention to the safe distance.
(Perhatikan tanda selama trip berlangsung, apabila Anda mendahului perahu, selalu ambil posisi kanan. Apabila Anda dari sisi samping ambil posisi belakang perahu dan selalu perhatikan jarak aman.)

9. If your jet ski sounds weird and seems like having a problem, please stop, turn off the engine and give a sign to your tour guide.
(Apabila Jet Ski Anda terdengar aneh dan mengalami masalah, mohon berhenti, matikan mesin dan berikan tanda kepada pemandu.)

10. Learn the Intelligent Brake and Reverse (IBR) function properly.
(Pelajari fungsi Intelligent Brake and Reverse (IBR) dengan benar.)

Touring Sign